Thuật ngữ Marketing – Media
Các thuật ngữ Marketing dưới đây do tôi tích lũy trong quá trình làm việc, chắc chắn sẽ không tránh khỏi các thiếu sót, bạn có thể bổ sung các thuật ngữ bằng cách comment bên dưới, tôi sẽ bổ sung vào bài viết ngay.
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Dưới đây là liệt kê các danh sách thuật ngữ marketing về media bao gồm TV, Báo, và Digital. Dach sách các thuật ngữ marketing này sẽ được tôi cập nhật thường xuyên, vì thế bạn hãy bookmark lại địa chỉ này để quay lại để xem những thuật ngữ được update mới nhất nhé.
Nào chúng ta cùng bắt đầu thôi.
Thuật ngữ Marketing - TV Terminology
Channel / Medium: A broad general category of carriers of message / advertisements. Ex: TV, Radio, etc
Vehicle: A specific carrier within a Channel. Ex: HTV7, Starmovies, etc
Target audience: The particular segment of the population that the campaign is trying to influence
Universe: The number of individuals within a given target audience
Rating (TARPs/ TRPs/ TVRs): is the the Percentage of target audience who saw the program or commercial, exposed to an advertising medium, consuming a vehicle at a particular moment.
Impressions: Sum of all advertising exposures expressed in terms of numbers of individuals
Gross Rating points ( GRPs )or Target Audience Ratings Points (TARPs): Sum of all audiences (ratings) for more than one ad or program.
Reach: The % of people who saw the Channel, Day part / Time slot, Program, Commercial at least once during a specified period of time
Coverage: A term used to describe a medium’s demographic or geographic reach potential
Frequency (Also referred as, Average Frequency, Opportunity To See (OTS) or Hear (OTH), Exposure): The average number of times the target audience is exposed to a brand’s advertising campaign or schedule.
Frequency Distribution: the number or percent of population exposed at each frequency level
Formulation of GRPs calculation: GRPs = Reach X Frequency
Effective Frequency: The number of times our target audience needs to see an ad for the message to be communicated effectively. Generally expressed in terms of 2+, 3+ or 4+ etc.
Effective reach: The number our target audience which has seen the ad, desired (effective frequency ) number of times.
Cost per Rating point (CPRP): The cost of buying one rating point.
Cost Per Thousand (CPM) or Referred as CPT: The cost of reaching 1000 individuals within the campaign target audience.
Share of Voice (SOV): % share of total advertising weight in a product category held by a particular brand
Share of Spend (SOS): % share of total advertising spend in a product category held by a particular brand.
Share of Audience: % share of audience held by a particular program, station or network during a given time
Share of Market: % share of total sales of a product category held by a particular brand.
Thuật ngữ Marketing - Print Terminology
Circulation : Total number of copies distributed through all channels such as subscriptions and newsstand
Readership: Total number of people who read a given publication
Target Audience Readership: Total number of brand target audience who read a given publication
Pass-along Readers : Readers of a print title who are not members of the purchasing or subscribing household (also called secondary readers)
Readers per copy: The average number of people who read an issue of any given publication. This includes Subscribers and the Pass Along Readers.
Average Issue Readership (AIR): Number of people who have claimed to read the publication within a time period equal to the periodicity of the publication.
Also known as Last Issue Readership. E.g: Number of people who read a magazine (issued monthly) in the last one month
Claimed Readership: Number of people who have claimed to read the publication.
E.g: A person who has not read a paper yesterday, will not be considered as an Average Issue Reader. If he claims to have been reading this paper but not yesterday , he will be considered in Claimed readership figure
Print Order (Run): The number of copies printed (but not necessarily fully sold or distributed) by a publication.
Duplication: Proportion of average readers of one publication who are also readers of another publication.
Column Centimeter (CC): Unit of measurement in a publication by which advertising space is sold, measuring 1 cm deep by 1 column wide.
Column Centimeter = Number of Columns X Height in Centimeters
Thuật ngữ marketing - Digital Terminology
Impressions: An impression is recorded if an ad is displayed in a user’s browser (not necessarily seen).
Interactions: An interaction is recorded if an ad is interacted with and it doesn’t result in the user being directed away from the asset to alternative content - typically the client website or microsite.
Clicks: A click is recorded if the user clicks on the ad and it directs them to alternative content beyond the banner – typically the client website or microsite.
Cost per click (CPC): A cost charged by the advertising space provider, for each click on the advertised banner or link.
Click Through Rate (CTR): Clicks received on the link or advertising out of the total impressions generated.
Cost-Per-Action (CPA): The actual amount of advertising money you spent for each desired customer action.
Cost-Per-Lead (CPL): Amount of advertising money spent for every real lead that marketing generates.
Cost-Per-Visitor (CPV): Amount of advertising money spent for every unique visitor to your website.
Hits: A hit is a single request for a file (image, script, html, etc.) to a web server.
Page views (Also known as Page Impressions): A page view typically represents a collection of one or more hits and usually the view of a web page
Visits (Also known as Sessions): A visit is continuous activity on a website by one visitor, and consists of a collection of one page view or more.
Visitors (Also Known as Unique Visitors, Users, Unique Users): A visitor is a ‘person’ who visits a particular website, and can visit multiple times within any given time period.
Geo Targeting: Showing ads or content based on the physical location a user is accessing the Internet from.
Traffic: General term used to describe a quantity of requests for web pages or other downloadable content by web site visitors.
Ad Serving: The delivery of ads by a server to an end user's computer on which the ads are then displayed by a browser and/or cached.
Contextual Advertising: An advertisement is shown on a web site that is "in context" to a company's specific product or service.
Also known as content-targeted advertising
Inventory: The number of ad spaces available for sale on a web site during a certain time frame.
Roadblock: A homepage takeover that is the only advertisement on the site. A brand owns all of the ad units on the site for a period of time.
Run of network (RON): Advertising inventory is spread across all the websites which a publisher owns.
Run Of Site (ROS): Advertising inventory is spread across various sections within a website
Viết bởi: Đoàn Trung Thảo
Nguồn bài viết từ ngày 29/1/2014:
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